Testing with Vale: Install the Vale CLI (Part 1)

Deanna Thompson

Learn how to install the Vale CLI on your machine.

To install Vale on your computer, you’ll need to use a package manager. Package managers allow you to install and update packages and libraries. Mac users will use Homebrew; Windows users will use Chocolatey.

For Mac users

The best package manager for macOS is Homebrew. If you’ve already installed Homebrew, skip to step two. Otherwise, continue reading the instructions below.

Step 1: Install Homebrew

To install Homebrew, enter this command into the terminal (feel free to copy and paste):

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

To verify that you installed Homebrew, run the command brew help. If the installation was successful, the command prints the help documentation to the terminal.

Step 2: Install Vale

From the terminal, run the command brew install vale. You’ll see some output in the terminal as Homebrew installs Vale.

Verify that the vale command is now available by running vale -v from the command line. If the installation was successful, the command reports the latest, stable version of Vale.

For Windows users

Windows users can install Vale using Chocolatey. If you’ve already installed Chocolatey, skip to step two. Otherwise, continue reading the instructions below.

Step 1: Install Chocolatey

Follow these steps to install Chocolatey on your computer.

To verify that you installed Chocolatey, run the command choco -?. If the installation was successful, the command prints the help documentation to the terminal.

Step 2: Install Vale

From the terminal, run the command choco install vale. You’ll see some output in the terminal as Chocolatey installs Vale on your computer.

To verify that you installed Vale, run the command vale -v in the terminal. If the installation was successful, the command reports the latest, stable version of Vale.

What’s next

That’s all you need to do to install the Vale CLI! Next, you’ll learn how to configure and customize Vale for your documentation needs.